Heat-climate-friendly - kick-off meeting at ZET
Bayreuth, 04th July 2024

Picture (from left): Dr. Reinhard Zeitler (BayStMUV), Dr. Marion Letzel (LfU), Antonia Wanner (LfU), Jaromir Jeßberger (LTTT) and Dr.-Ing. Florian Heberle (LTTT)
The use of environmentally friendly working media such as CO2 or natural hydrocarbons in refrigeration, heating and air conditioning technology is being further promoted by the relevant EU regulations. In this context, ZET is carrying out technical and economic assessments of heat pumps and refrigeration systems with natural refrigerants for residential and industrial applications as part of the "Heat-Climate-Friendly" project. Together with the Bavarian State Office for the Environment (LfU) (Bayerisches Landesamt für Umwelt) as a project partner, knowledge is transferred to the public and exchanged with engineers, planners and plant constructors. To this purpose, online events, expert conferences and further information brochures are planned over the next three years. The project is funded by the Bavarian State Ministry for the Environment and Consumer Protection (BayStMUV) (Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Umwelt und Verbraucherschutz).