Osama Aljolani graduates with a PhD in engineering
Bayreuth, 17th June 2024

Osama Aljolani (Mitte) mit seiner Prüfungskommission, den Professoren (v.l.n.r.) S. Tremmel (Vorsitzender) D. Brüggemann, S. Karellas (NTU Athen) und A. Jess (weiterer Prüfer).
Osama Aljolani successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled "Thermo-economic and ecological evaluation of an air conditioning concept based on the working medium CO2" at the Faculty of Engineering Science at the University of Bayreuth on 17th June 2024.
As part of the "ZukunftKlima" project, Osama Aljolani worked on the environmentally friendly refrigerant CO2 at the Center of Energy Technology / LTTT. The project was carried out in close cooperation with the BSZ Kulmbach and financed by the Bavarian State Ministry for the Environment and Consumer Protection.
We wish Osama Aljolani all the best for his future!