LTTT at the Knowledge Transfer event of the Geothermal-Alliance Bavaria.
Bayreuth, 07th March 2024

Hannah Uhrmann, M. Sc. during her presentation.
At the 8th “Knowledge Transfer” event of the Geothermal-Alliance Bavaria, current research findings were presented in eight lectures by researchers and industry representatives. The thematic focus this time was on heat planning and the social acceptance of geothermal projects. Despite the rail strike on March 7th 2024, 70 participants came to Garching, with a further 20 taking part online. This once again highlights the importance of knowledge sharing in the geothermal industry.
Together with Lennart Trentmann, employee at the Chair of Energy Systems at the Technical University of Munich, Hannah Uhrmann, employee at the Department of Engineering Thermodynamics and Transport Processes (LTTT) and the Center of Energy Technology (ZET), gave a presentation on "Solution approaches for heat planning in rural areas - large heat pumps in medium-deep geothermal systems and inter-municipal interconnections". She presented the findings of the Geothermal-Alliance Bavaria working group at the ZET on the integration of high-temperature heat pumps in medium-depth geothermics. In particular, techno-economic and ecological analyses in the North Molasse Basin were presented.
The 8th Knowledge Transfer of the Geothermal-Alliance Bavaria was once again important for exchanging knowledge and ideas for a sustainable energy future, with Hannah Uhrmann's presentation being a contribution to this dialogue.