Tim Eller receives his PhD degree in engineering
Bayreuth, 20.05.2021

Tim Eller (2nd from right) with his examination committee, the professors (from left to right) Prof. Dr.-Ing. F. Döpper (chairman), Prof. Dr.-Ing. M. Danzer, Prof. Dr.-Ing. D. Brüggemann and not in the picture, because connected online, Prof. Dr.-Ing
From 2015 to 2020, Tim Eller worked as a research associate at LTTT/ZET and as a project coordinator at the Campus Academy for Further Education at the University of Bayreuth.
In the research group "Energy Systems and Technologies", he dealt with various energy technology issues. The focus of his activities was on power and heat generation from geothermal energy. With the results of his work, he completed his PhD thesis entitled "Thermo-economic investigation of different plant concepts for geothermal power and heat generation". In this thesis, potential concepts for flexible power and heat generation from geothermal energy are investigated and the influence of various parameters of the district heating network on the efficiency and economic viability of the plants is examined.
After handing in his PhD thesis, he successfully completed the PhD procedure with the colloquium on May 20th, 2021. LTTT and ZET congratulate the new PhD engineer. Since October 2020, Tim Eller has been working as a process engineer with RVT Process Equipment GmbH.