ZET-real laboratory Kick-off with LTTT participation
Bayreuth, 30.03.2021

In the picture (from left) Patrick Mößle, Helene Kaleeva, Dr.- Ing. Florian Heberle, Prof. Dr. Ing. Dieter Brüggemann, Nicolas Oppmann, Tim Herrmannsdörfer
Here we go! - All 4 PhD students of the ZET-Reallabor Wunsiedel are on board
With the internal "kick-off meeting" the starting signal for the work on the project "ZET-real laboratory Energiezukunft Wunsiedel", which is funded by the Upper Franconian Foundation with about 5 million Euros, has been given. In this project, four PhD students are working on coordinated research projects on the storage, transport and use of hydrogen. They are conducting their research both in the Keylabs of the ZET at the University of Bayreuth and in the House of Energy Future in Wunsiedel.
There, the project company WUN H2 GmbH is implementing a large-scale plant for the production of green hydrogen. By involving the ZET and setting up a real laboratory on site, existing research approaches can be used in the sense of optimizing operations, concepts for plant expansions can be evaluated and further cooperation can be initiated.
Since mid-March, the four scientists, Helene Kaleeva M.Sc. (BPT), Tim Herrmannsdörfer M.Sc. (LTTT), Patrick Mößle M.Sc. (EES) and Nicolas Oppmann M.Sc. (CVT) have been working at ZET. The first meeting, led by Dr.-Ing. Florian Heberle, served to get to know each other, identify interfaces and organize data management.
The group is jointly supervised at ZET by the Departments of Engineering Thermodynamics and Transport Processes (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dieter Brüggemann), Chemical Engineering (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Jess), Process Biotechnology (Prof. Dr. Ruth Freitag) and Electrical Energy Systems (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Danzer), which are involved in the project.