Start of a project cooperation between ZET and TenneT on sector coupling
Bayreuth, March 28th, 2019
The sector coupling of electricity and gas networks is considered to play a key role in the success of the energy transition. The growing need of capacities for the intermediate storage of surplus electrical energy, the provision of necessary transport capacities between electricity producers and consumers and the integration of renewable electricity into a wide range of final energy consumption areas pose major challenges for the infrastructure.
Power-to-gas (P2G) technology offers an alternative to the expansion of the electricity grid and enables the use of surplus electricity from volatile renewable energy sources. In a three-year project, the Center of Energy Technology (ZET) at the University of Bayreuth will cooperate with the transmission system operator TenneT TSO GmbH to address key issues with regard to the future implementation of P2G:
- Which processes are particularly suitable for converting electricity into gas?
- How can the coupling of the networks be implemented and modelled?
- What could P2G business models look like?
- What regulatory framework should be created?
- Which P2G potentials could be developed in the TenneT supply area?
On the part of ZET the Department of Engineering Thermodynamics and Transport Processes (LTTT) and the Chair of Chemical Engineering (CVT) are involved in contract research.
During a kick-off meeting on 14th February 2019 at the TenneT Campus the planned work packages were discussed and the further procedure for the coming months was agreed upon.

The participants of the kick-off meeting: (bottom row from left) Dr. Nils Schindzielorz, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dieter Brüggemann, Dr. Bernd Klöckl, Christoph Linhardt; (top row from left) Martin Groll, Dr. Sascha Altschäffl, Dr.-Ing. Christoph Kern, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Jess, Dr.-Ing. Andreas Obermeier (Photo: Katrin Müller, TenneT)