Knowledge transfer with ZET contribution at the Geothermal Alliance Bavaria (GAB)
Garching, 14.03.2019
The networking of geothermal energy expertise from science and industry, universities and plant operators is an integral part of the work of the Geothermal Alliance Bavaria (GAB). The GAB offers a platform for information and open exchange within the framework of the "Knowledge Transfer" event.
About 50 visitors followed the invitation to the 3rd knowledge transfer event "Geothermal Energy in the South German Molasse" at the Center of Energy and Information at the Technical University Munich in Garching on 14th March 2019. The main topic was "Above-ground plants and networks".
The ZET managing director Dr.-Ing. Florian Heberle was invited as speaker and in his lecture "Geothermal energy a sustainable energy source? Life cycle assessment of a real power plant" he presented the results of a life cycle analysis for a geothermal ORC power plant in the Munich area.
The results show that the environmental impact in this case study is significantly lower compared to previous studies based on theoretical scenarios.
Further information on the event can be found here.